POST /link.json

Description: Creates a new Tracking Link. Tracking links keep track of clicks from ads or other marketing efforts, track their costs, and monitor clicks for signs of click fraud.

API Endpoint URL:

Attribute Required Default Description
key Your API key
project The ID number of the Improvely project to create this link within. You can retrieve this number from the top of the Project Settings page of the relevant project in your account.
url The landing page URL this link will redirect to when clicked.
campaign Campaign name (e.g. Google Ads, Spring Sale, TV Spot).
source Source (e.g. Google, Microsoft AdCenter).
medium Medium (e.g. PPC, E-mail, Banner).
content Ad content (e.g. Free Shipping Offer).
cost_type PPC Must be one of these strings: “PPC”, “one-time” or “monthly”.
cost 0 The monetary cost associated with the ad. This attribute should be numeric with no currency symbol or thousands separator.
custom_url Custom tracking URL (e.g. Letters, numbers and dashes only; no spaces or special characters.

Example request:

curl \
  -X POST \
  -d 'key=90c0d64fds653338as6869e54267e05&project=1&'

Example successful response (HTTP status code 200):

    "status": "success",
    "google": {
        "short_link": "{keyword}",
        "direct_link": "{keyword}"
    "bing": {
        "short_link": "{keyword}",
        "direct_link": "{keyword}"
    "7search": {
        "short_link": "",
        "direct_link": ""
    "anywhere": {
        "short_link": "",
        "direct_link": ""

Example failure response (HTTP status code: 400):

    "status": "error",
    "type": "parameters",
    "message": "Missing required parameter: `campaign`."

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